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Therapies » Interventions » lower Limb » Knee Joint Injections

Patients with severe pain of knee, and local signs of inflammation benefit by intraarticular injections of corticosteroids. This will be effective for short-term period in reducing pain and increasing quadriceps strength. Some patients will require about 3 to 4 injections in a year, to keep the osteoarthritis under check. If done by using aseptic precautions, the infection rate is negligible. Sometimes mild flare up might be seen in joint inflammation following intraarticular injections, due to crystalline contents. People, who require more than 3 to 4 injections in a year, should be considered for either joint lavage or surgery.

Hyaluronic acid forms the backbone of the proteoglycan molecule and is the major constituent of synovial fluid. In addition to its mechanical role as a lubricant, shock absorber and buffer between articular cartilage surfaces, it may also have a role in binding inflammatory mediators and neuropeptides associated with pain production. It is also used intraarticularlyin the treatment of selected elderly patients with knee OA. In fact this has shown to be having modest benefit when compared with placebo injections or intra-articular steroids.

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