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Therapies » Interventions » Upper Abdomen » Coeliac Plexus Block

This intervention is carried out for patients suffering from upper pain abdomen secondary to long-standing problem or in cancer of abdomen. The procedure is done under X-ray or CT scan control. Patient is made to lie in supine, side or prone position. Patient should be monitored for at least two hours following the procedure for any problems. Some patients complain of backache for 1 to 2 hrs after the procedure, which can be managed with conventional analgesics.

  1. Patient might require admission depending on tolerance or comfort. No driving for that day
  2. Patient should monitor and record the extent and duration of any relief that ensues
  3. Contact doctor if increased back pain, fever, chills, increased abdominal pain, paralysis, breathing difficulty or any other unusual symptoms.
  4. Resume previous activities the next day.
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