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Pain Problems » Lower Abdomen » Coccydynia

It is a troublesome complaint, which is often unresponsive to all forms of recognised treatment. Coccydynia is a pain in the vicinity of tailbone in the lower back. Commonly seen in the age group between 30 years to 50 years. Patient will complain of pain, worsened by sitting/ passing stool. Standing or walking or lying down will relieve pain. Patient might prefer to sit on either of the buttocks to avoid worsening of symptoms because of pressure. Perineal pain would include pain of the scrotum, perirectal and perianal regions.

  1. Medical Management
  2. Interventions (only if necessary)
    - Local infiltration
    - Ganglion Impar block
    - Radiofrequency denervation
    - Cryoanalgesia
    - Dorsal root ganglionotomy